Yet again another great baseball game gets screwed over.
MVP 2005 is the best looking baseball game out there. Most of the major league players are represented accurately, including their baseball stances. Stadiums are dead-on accurate to the real life counterparts. Visually this game is very impressive.
The announcing is great, will get a bit repetitive, but what sports games commentary doesn't. The sound of the bat hitting the ball, sliding, etc... are all top-notch. The sound adds to the stadium atmosphere, as you can hear vendors, comments from the crowd, cheering, etc..., but the cheering sounds are not done well, as you can hear the looping of the cheer noise.
New additions to MVP include the hitter's eye, which barely does anything because the pitching is so good you can tell what type of pitch it is without having to use the hitter's eye. Minigames are a great addition. The batting mini game trains you on hitting, when to hit early and late, and helps on aiming. Pitching mini game helps in control of pitches, and in control of the pitching meter. The pitching mini game is sort of like Tetris, which is cool. Also there are all the other standard features, such as exhibition, homerun derby, dynasty, and the new owner mode. Owner mode is great if you every wanted to control a franchise in all aspects especially money wise. But the owner mode takes various seasons to actually accumulate money, so it is difficult.
The batting, pitching, and fielding are all great. The new thing in fielding is the use of the right analog stick to make diving plays, which makes the fielding even better. Its MVP, the gameplay is great, nothing much to say about it.
So MVP 2005 is a must-have for all baseball fans. Like High Heat baseball, MVP baseball is screwed, and will not continue next year as a major league licensed game. So enjoy this MLB MVP game as it will be the last for a long while.