With many baseball games released at the same time, you can't go wrong with mvp baseball. MVP is different from the other baseball game, beacuse it's just plain fun. There are different games including homerun showdown, batting and pitching games. The dynasty mode is great by playing as your favorite team or make a fantasy draft and spans over 120 years and includes working trades, contracts, and winning the fall classic. Owner mode is the same except now you are the owner, not only do you play as a team but you are the man who works as the bussiness man who controls venues, special days, creatinga ballpark and more. The graphics and sound are not the best on the ps2, but they are still well done. During gameplay you will hear sometime sthe commentary repeating itself over which becomes annoying. In conclusion mvp 05 is the best baseball game for all baseball fans, it needs no rental so go out now and buy it.
Baseball. America's Pastime. A sport with a deep history, represented in the video game world by many video game developers. This year, MLB 2K5 gave the EA a run for their money. By putting a $20 price tag on their baseb... Read Full Review
New Features: Well there's not really much change from the last game. But the biggest feature is the owner mode, which lets you set the prices for tickets, food, concessions, and etc.. (pretty much like the madden's ow... Read Full Review