User Rating: 9.2 | MVP Baseball 2005 XBOX
After playing MVP basball 2005, which was hands down the best sports game that year, i was expectign a LOT this year. And frankly with EA's shaky "consistency" i thought i would of been dissapointed. WRONG. I love this game, and its because of this series that i have become a diehard baseball fan.

Many options for you to do in this game. From the usualy dynasty modes, to the owner mode where you can create your own ball park ( Oh Ya!! ), and the new mini games, are all a treat. I would probably just rent the game for the mini games. The gameplay is still relatively the same, where you can tweak it to how you like it. Only a few minor tweaks have been made technically to this game.

The soundtrack sucks.

My favourite new aspect of ths game is the Owner Mode where you can create, upgrade, and attract fans to your ball park. Unfortuanatly it will take a while for you to actually purchase the pricey upgrades, which i admit is not easy. But you'll come back playing this game just to see how your park is doing.

God i could write forever about how good this game is. But i wont, ( ya np). A must buy for any sports fan or gamer in general. GOod job EA Sports!! You made me proud :PPPPP