One of the best baseball games ever. Why look in here to find out if you don't I'll kill you just kidding.

User Rating: 9.1 | MVP Baseball 2005 PS2
First of no Barry Bonds again I'm getting tired of it EA. Now gameplay is great but not perfect. It can be either really hard or really easy to hit a home run. EA took a swing with a new owner mode feature and I think in that department they killed it it's a awesome mode. They have Franchise mode again like always. Now on to the graphics department, one word stunning no amazing just plain amazing. The player look so real, and they have all the batting stances perfectly done. They have all the wind ups the pros use it's amazing. In the sound department it is good not great just plain old good. Now on to the other stuff they have create a player, new spring training drills, and last but not least online play. Thank you and have a good night.