No recommendation for this one...
User Rating: 4 | MX vs. ATV Alive X360
Compared to other off-road racers, "MX vs. ATV Alive" seems to be lacking almost everything that's fun about an up-to-date racing game. Physics and graphics, in my opinion, are pretty much arcade, but not in a good way, so it would have been best to release this game as an arcade title for a bargain of maximum 1200 Microsoft points. It's not really fun, having to repeat the same 4 tracks (!) over and over again, before you unlock more. Driving physics feel clumsy and winning a race on hardest difficulty level is more about the lucky shot, rather than optimizing your skills. This game offers too little to really keep you going.
And again, its a disappointing game, compared to other offroad-racers like "Pure" or "Nail'd". Or the still unbeatable "Downhill Domination" (PS 2) !!!