What a bunch of crap. I got bored after 5 minutes.
Well, its my new "worst game ever" My last one was NASCAR 09. But this is worse, its a rubbish graphic, rip off version of motorstorm. I'm glad i didn't buy this. I don't pay $34/£17 for a 5 minute entertaining game. The AI is ridiculous. You don't know where the hell you are going. The graphics are just blurry, even on my $1800/£800 HD Television. Its all pixelated and just useless. The worst bit is the gameplay, endless boring corners. I only rented this, which i'm glad of. Buying this would be a gaming disaster. This game must be the worst racing game. March 7th 2008 was the worst day for racing around xD For a 2008 game the graphics and gameplay should be better. I'm not renting any older MX games. Check out my other reviews :)
Thanks for reading :)