As long as you stay around long enough to get the basics down, you will be rewarded with an awesome off-road racer.

User Rating: 8 | MX vs. ATV Untamed WII
MX vs ATV Untamed for the wii isn't one of those games that was made for the 360/PS3 and the developers threw the wii in as an afterthought. The game feels a lot like the the 360/PS3 versions with very few setbacks.

- Graphics aren't much to complain about
- Races are long and intense
- Its obvious that the developers tried to make the tracks top-notch
- All Vehicles handle differently
- Wii controls aren't much different but they do get you a little more involved

- Graphics aren't excelent
- Soundtrack, although has some bright spots, is for the most part, terrible
- You don't leave track marks
- Touchy controls can lead to frustration

Story: N/A

Sound: 4/10
Soundtrack could be a lot better, and sound effects aren't very convincing. Plus when the soundtrack is on, there aren't really any sound effects

Controls: 6/10
All of the vehicles feel different. They aren't just the same car with a different look. The Dirt bikes though have overly touchy controls

Graphics: 7/10
Definitely a wii title. There isn't a whole lot of detail, but the game doesn't seem like an afterthought ether.

Difficulty: 8/10
A bit of a rough start, but once you can get the controls down, you are in for a good time

Presentation: 8/10
Menus are easy to navigate, but some of the parts are just pointless. Load times are also a bit to long for my liking.

Gameplay: 9/10
All vehicles feel a lot different from one another, and the rumble is nice knowing that the PS3/360 versions didn't have it. It makes up for the graphics in realisticness.

"Fun" Factor: 9/10
As long as you get the controls down and figure out how things work, you are in for a really good time. Just don't get frustrated too early.

Should I get it?
Well its only about $20 anywhere you can find it. So yeah, just be patient for the first little while, you will seriously enjoy it if you do.