This games is no where near what it should be.
The tricks on the game aren't really that great. You can't do flips or wheelies which are usually used in these "off roading game." That brings up another topic, there is NO REAL OFFROADING!! You race in Stadiums the whole time. It gets really repetitive after a while because unless you pay a lot of attention to the tracks you won't really notice a difference between them. Also if you go off track for more than 5 seconds it resets you and by then the CPU has passed you.
If you are thinking that the Stunt Callenge sounds like fun, well it's not. You seem like you're doing really well until you crash, which will happen, then you go in like 3rd. If you are good and lucky enough to get back into first than once the given time expires you will find yourself in 4th place somehow.
If you were thinking that this would be a good game for traveling than you are wrong, it will make you want to get wherever you're going even faster.
Overall the game is fun until you start one of the few modes on the game, if you are thinking about buying this game you have to be a huge fan of offroading and better get it for less than $5