A disapointing Mii Channel for your Pokemon. WTF!

User Rating: 6 | My Pokemon Ranch WII
I went out and got wii points so i could buy this game for 1000 wii points ($10) but sadly i was disapointed. I dont have pokemon diamond or pearl but i think this game would have been a bit more fun if i had them. If you like the Mii channel get this game if you have pokemon Diamond or pearl it may be worth it but if you have ever played a pokemon game in the past like the ones on the gameboy or N64 and liked them do not get this game it will be a disapointment to you and your wallet if you want to buy something off the wii shop channel get something on the virtual console or a better game on wii ware like Dr. Mario that has fun online play. Or just wait for Strongbad's Cool game for Attractive people that looks like fun. OR another option would be too wait too save up your money and get a fun wii game but i would not recomend this game. 6.0