If you look at the game for what it's trying to do, it's a rousing success. A simple, fun, Pokemon storage space.

User Rating: 7.5 | My Pokemon Ranch WII
This game is truly unlike any game I've ever played before. It's not meant to be a game. It's meant to be a storage space. That's what makes this game good. IGN looked at it like a game. They didn't realize this feature wasn't meant to be a game. It's meant to be a storage space for your Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. If you look at like that, it's a huge success.

The graphics are fun and lively. If you look at the tough, mean Dialga of Palkia and send them in here, you look at everything from a whole new point of view. The graphics work pretty well for this game.

You can store up to 1000 pokemon on your ranch. Yes, that is what I said. 1000 Pokemon! That's a lot of pokemon. If you have a lot of Pokemon on Diamond and Pearl and need more space, look no further then this game. On top of that you can even get a free Phione and a MEW! Yes! You actually get a Mew that you can trade to Diamond or Pearl! If you're a pokemon trainer looking for all the Pokemon, well, then here you go! Instead of trading your legendary Mewtwo for a Mew or a Dialga for a Mew, you can easily get it just by putting all your pokemon on your ranch.

If there is something I have to complain about this game, well, it's that isn't not actually a game. I actually feel bad for people who bought this and don't have Diamond or Pearl because then it's almost worthless to them. They have nothing to do in this game.

I also like how you can put up to 20 of your Miis on the ranch. Pretty cool! Also a nice feature is the photo storage where you can take pictures at any time and any moment and send them to your Wii Message Board. What's even more impressive is you can send these pictures to your SD card to send to your computer! Even cooler.

So the bottom line is if you look at this game what's it suppose to be. It's suppose to be a storage space for your pokemon. If you look at like that, it's a huge success. If you have Diamond or Pearl and are trying to catch em' all, I highly recommend picking this up. Trust me, it will save you a lot of time.