This isn't a Harvest Moon, but it sure is a Pokemon game.Well...sort of.
User Rating: 8 | My Pokemon Ranch WII
In Pokemon Ranch, you can store your pokemon from your Diamond and Pearl games into the ranch. You start off at the ranch, where a girl appears and explains everything to you. You give the Ranch a name, and she gives you a couple of pokemon to stay at the ranch. Now, you have to go on your DS and capture more pokemon to store in the ranch and to get new ones from the girl. You can decide what type of pokemon you want her to get you, but the pokemon is unknown. It could be a "blue" pokemon and you would have to wait a day for it to come at the ranch. At anytime if you want your pokemon back, you can, but only on the same game which you deposited the game. For example, if you have pearl and dump a chimchar, your friend can't get it on his Diamond or Pearl game. You have to get it out and trade with your friend which takes up time instead of just letting someone else get it. Though if you delete your pokemon file in Diamond or Pearl, you can never get the pokemon in your Ranch back ( which sucks ). The game is fun though, because you can store your Miis and have them visit your ranch in Ranch clothing. You can also take pictures of your pokemon and send them to your Wii to go on the Photo Channel. It is also cool because it helps you expand your Pokedex in a fun way. Usually getting pokemon into your Pokedex is a drag, but My Pokemon Ranch makes it fun and easy. If you want to store your pokemon in a safe place, love pokemon, or want to expand your Pokedex, My Pokemon Ranch is a must get.