I went in expecting MySims Kingdom - which I loved - and it gave me something better.

User Rating: 9 | MySims Agents WII
Let me start out by saying that people of all ages can enjoy this. I was surprised at a few of the dialogue choices as they seemed like something aimed at adults with references I'm pretty certain most children right now wouldn't get. I don't know, I don't have one. I do know that this game was surprisingly brilliant and refreshing in comparison to other "funny" games I've given a shot.

Story - 7.5/10

It's a MySims game - you can't exactly expect a tale of brilliance and intrigue that changes the way you look at life. Still, MySims managed to provide a surprisingly entertaining one. It's your basic - something's going down in this town and I don't like it - you're the only one for some reason who can put a stop to this. Your friend can come, too. Oh, and have a mysterious woman.
I will say that the ending surprised me as I expected something different. I won't spoil this for you, though.

Characters - 8.5/10

The characters are the same characters from other MySims games and if you've played one - you'll recognize them. Still, don't fix what's not broken and there's a healthy addition of people I don't quite remember but were welcome to me. Then again, that could have just been my poor memory. Who knows. Still, their new dialogue and shenanigans adds on enough to provide a new experience. Still, there were a couple that were rather uninteresting.

Gameplay - 9.5/10

The gameplay is as easy as easy gets. Point and click / walk around / do a bit of chatting / solve a puzzle in fifteen seconds and repeat. I'm pretty sure I completed the game in less hours than I put up there because the game was so addictive yet almost disturbingly easy. I rated it so highly due to the simplicity as I often rather like when I can breeze through a game. It also never fails to flatter you even if deep down you know an eight year old could have done what you just did and maybe even faster.

Dialogue - 10/10

The dialogue was witty and I felt it deserved its own little rating. It's rare when I come across a funny game, and Gamespot and I clearly don't have a good idea on what's funny because wherever they review that something is - I usually find myself bored to tears or gagging over how corny something is. Here, the hilarity flowed easily possibly because it wasn't meant to be anything serious in the first place.
An example would be after a short internal detective monologue: the pondering of "I wonder what Buddy thinks of our new client." before he randomly comes out with "I had a hamster named -client's name- once."
It's lighthearted and that's welcome. Hm, actually that sounds pretty lame. You had to be there; playing it yourself. In your house, don't come to mine. That would be weird as I don't know you.

Overall, I'd give it a 9. I take a point off mainly because of how simple it was and the disappointing length. I do know that I'll be getting the next installment if there is one, though!