Horribly bad. Don't even waste your time with this one.
User Rating: 1.5 | MySims SkyHeroes WII
You know what I have noticed? My Sims games are about quantity, not quality. All of them are flat out horrible, except for My Sims racing, which is overshadowed by Mario Kart. This game, however, this game just may be the WORST game I have ever played. I bought it, thinking it would be a lot like Star Fox 64, and other dogfight games. I was horribly wrong. What you get, instead, is a shallow game, full of lousy challenges, and a race mode that makes me want to puke. This game is flat out HORRIBLE, and isnt even worth $5.00, if you could get it at that price. The game MAY keep you entertained for 20 minutes, but, soon, you're going to be sick of hearing Sim talk, which consists of gibberish. To top it all off, the custimization STINKS. The planes all look a lot alike, and none of them affect your stats. You may see that there's an online mode, and you might think that makes it better, right? WRONG. There is rarely anyone online to challenge. Dont waste your time, or your money on this game.