My sims is a great game. But after a while it can get old. faster than animal crossing. wayyy faster.

User Rating: 6.5 | MySims DS
My sims starts off great. You meet towns folk and earn star points by doing differnt errands for town folks which means the more star points you get the more the city gets known and the bigger it gets which is supposed to mean more fun. But fun kinda drains after a couple of hours. The game feels like theres a whole bunch left out. all you do is fish, talk and sleep. At first its interesting and great. but once you keep going on with it you feel like everything your doing is a chore. A quick, easy and boring chore. Time goes to fast to be enjoyable. Sometimes you wish this game had more depth. But sadly it didnt. But at least the first few hours were enjoyable. But this game isnt a good purchase. You should stick to the regular sims.