Dodged a bullet!

User Rating: 5 | MySims WII
I feel I was one of the lucky ones, I chose to rent the game rather than buy it right out. As a Sims fan I saw MySims as the possibility to give new life to a series that has seem to slow down in the shadow of Spore, I was sadly wrong.

The graphics are great, but look as though they could easily be on Gamecube. Now I know that Wii isn't a graphical power house but seriously a company like EA should have pushed it to its limits while sticking with the nice style they had. Overall the game feels like a polished version of Animal Crossing, which isn't bad but you are left with the question of "if Wii has more horsepower why didn't you use it?"

The worst part of the game (and most misleading) is the "Sims" aspect of the game. In the normal Sims 1-2 you build a family as well as relationships with the various inhabitants of your city, in this game you just "be nice" and you go from aquantince to friend, or you "be mean" and get an enemy. The social aspects of MySims are more shallow than a kiddy pool on the hotest day of summer.

In the end the game will leave you wishing and wanting for more, but you'll never find it. If your interested in the Sims I say go grab the PC version, or possibly the gamecube one (which will work in your Wii) and play those, because MySims has nothing of value in a Sandbox style game. Seriously its like playing in a sandbox but without the sand!