IMO, not on par with previous MYST offerings. Graphically excellent, but just didn't live up to its massive potential.
But my main issue deals with the great psychological potential this game failed to reach. Those who have played certainly understand the interplay between the entire family, the brothers especially, which flows through the game. The developers treat this delicious dysfunction to perhaps 1/3rd of the content it demanded. So much more could have been developed - perhaps more expansion on the distrust between the two, constructing some extra devious puzzles or 'flashbacks' based on this relationship. Instead, we are given their individual "prisons" and asked to basically solve the 'puzzles' on each, with no real depth involved. We finish both ages with a ride on the associated technology...and that's it! Neither never became OUR personal prison, as they should have, at least in some small (or involved) fashion. Yes, we were treated to some slight depth involving their separate private hells, but not nearly enough, and personalities were not sufficiently fleshed out to really build up a sympathy or empathy for any character. Sounds like I'm asking for a 500 pg book! Well, I guess I expect more from THIS series than any other. This game could have really expanded in such a satisfying and entertaining psychosis-driven direction. The game tries, but just does not deliver.
And the comparative absence of Atrus in this game is a bad call. I went back to contact him (on RIME) many times to get his reaction about something, and got the same loop...very poor development of a character who should have been all through this game. HIS DAUGHTER IS MISSING! Same RIME loop plays...
One point deduction just for the loop! :)
Haven't played End of Ages yet, but it's happening soon. I certainly hope it demands more emotional involvement than Revelation. And, for that matter, just what was the "revelation?" Only four locales to explore? And one more thing, Peter Gabriel is not necessary to the success of your game - it is the game content, the full development, the utilization of those development dollars that counts, not overpaying an overrated musician (just a very much needed rant there). That's all, and enough. If you've read this far, thanks!