One of the best Mario clones ever!
User Rating: 8.7 | Ganbare Goemon: Neo Momoyama Bakufu no Odori N64
Why do people hate this game so much? Maybe it's because it's a 'Mario Clone'? I don't see why people hate it so much, it's a brilliant game! Remember Ganbare Goemon or Legend of the Mystical Ninja on SNES? Well, they're back, in 3D! Konami has mixed together Mario and Zelda, to create a brilliant game. Not as good as Mario or Zelda, say, but a brilliant game! The storyline is a strange one indeed! A giant peach-shaped UFO is causing havoc in Japan, and has even turned Oedo Castle into a big, girly place! It's Goemon and his crew's job to stop the 'Peach Mountain Shoguns' or the 'Gorgeous Aliens' from turning Japan into their 'Perfect Stage'! Japan is 64-bit is a beautiful place indeed. There are many different towns and villages all over Japan, each different to the last. Each town is beautiful and contains a General Shop to buy armour and such, an Inn, to save your game and rest, a crazy fortune teller who shouts PLASMA for no reason, and gives you hints for a small fee, and a restaurant where you can buy food to restore health. Outside the towns, there are many different roads and fields and places, leading you to more beautiful scenery. There are many Zelda-esque dungeons with an insane twist to them. There is a submarine where you jump onto giant pieces of sushi and other Japanese foods. There is 'Ghost Toy Castle', where haunted toys attack you. It's a strange game indeed. Even your enemies are weird. A variety of dolls with different attacks such as carrying parcels which shoot bullets. The coolest part of the game is probably the giant robot battles! Whoo! When Goemon & Co. are terrorized by giant robots, they summon Goemon Impact, a giant, singing, dancing, film star robot, with a big blue afro, roller skates and a 'super punch'. When he is summoned, an awesome (Japanese) theme song is played call 'I Am Impact!'. Which brings me onto the sound. The sound of the game is brilliant. The music suits the atmosphere. If you are in a cave, the music will be quiet and slow, with dripping water sound effects. If you are in a sunny field, the music will be happy and fast. Most people complain about the game being impossible to control. Absurd! There has never been a game easier to control! The areas you can explore are huge, and the storyline and characters are as original and crazy as you can get! It's a shame that there aren't any sidequests. Once the game is over, it saves, and you can't go back. It's a shame, because it's a brilliant game. You'll never find a more insane game.