Don't let the graphics fool you, as they almost did me. N+ is arguably the best game available on the service.
It's called N+ and it's arguably the best game available on the service.
Don't let the graphics fool you as they almost did me.
At first as i cleared level after level i thought "Is this it? I paid 800 points for this ****?" It only took a short while for it to grow on me,
and now there's no other arcade game i'm paying attention to.
The point of the game is simple.
You try to get from point A to point B, flipping switches to open doors,
collecting yellow "gold" dots which add seconds to the timer and jump along
the way averting mines, rocket launchers, lasers and electric drones.
As N you can wall-jump your way up, kicking to great heights and do
all kinds of other stuff you expect from pixel ninjas.
The gameplay works like a charm. Very slick controls.
It actually has a really great physics system which is bound to give
you a few laughs when being blown up with your limbs flying all over the place. The game is pretty hard later on, but it actually manages to stay fun after hundreds of times of dying. That's quite a feat.
The game has got a cool dancy soundtrack, which reminds me of the SNES days. It will stick in your head forever cause of it's awesomeness.
Another highlight is the online multiplayer and Co-op.
The game comes with 50+ Co-op levels for you and friends to complete,
but you can also make your own N+ levels and share them with friends,
skyrocketing the replay value up to infinity.
If you've got 800 points to spend, and don't know what to get, do yourself a favour and buy N+ It's worth every point.