the game N+ is a classic game that started out as a computer game with bad graphics. But it made its way over to XBOX Marketplace. when you play the game u start to think oh this is dumb. but then as u play on you just start to enjoy it more and more. the first levels are pretty normal then as u go on they get more challanging. it's not one of those games where u go like "oh God if i don't get past this level right now i'm going tho explode (unless u got problems)." but the game is very enjoyable, not that hard, not that easy. it all depends on your gaming speed. All though this game yes does have very bad laging isshues for online play, ONLY if some one has a bad connection. I've Played with people who live in england and i live in u.s.a. great connection.for example: u might be dodging a missle all the sudden u "Slip" and u lose controll of your ninja (character) and u Blow up by the missle. but u really got to love th game! It's Great!!
Ninjas sit pretty high up on many dream job lists. Gaming icons like Ryu Hayabusa (of Ninja Gaiden fame) and Shinobi have no doubt contributed to the glamorous image of the ninja; N+ might not be on that same epic scale,... Read Full Review
N+ should be instantly recognizable to anybody who's familiar with the guilty pleasure of flash games. Taking the lesson of internet success, this Xbox Live Arcade port of the online classic is a perfect example of less ... Read Full Review