Wow, even better then the flash version for the PC, and worth the 20$

User Rating: 9 | N+ PSP
This is just like the one for the PC but 10 times better, the graphic are just like the one for the PC the gameplay is just like it as well, but sooo many more levels and i also find it a bit more fun, overall the one for PSP beats the PC, and i hope they will consider to make a new one for PSP in the future.
i hope everyone else who gets this game as well enjoys it as much as i am right now cause it really is a great game, and with the level editor, it just makes it a lot better and more open and free to the people playing the game.

Everyone please consider trying this game, and if you liked the one for the PC then definetly get it for PSP, it really is a great game, i give it a 9.0 cause the gfx are great the sound is just cool, the gameplay is almost perfect, and everything else is also just great, dont even hesitate to get it, if you see it, grab it for 20$ its a great time passer, and you can play it anywhere, and oh yea multiplayer is also very very fun, my little brother also has a copy and it is fun with 2 people as well.