Better than the Original

User Rating: 10 | N+ X360
I must say, that after all of the achievements of modern HD graphic engines, there is still a group of people who can release a 2D game that puts up a serious fight.

The controls are simple; Left, Right, and Jump. But the longer you hold one or the other creates a very smoothe flow of a game.

The rag-doll physics are also pretty cool.

I've played the original "n" and I must say that the console version is MUCH, much, better. More bots and bigger maps. Also, when you land on a floating block, you don't die anymore. NICE!

With the new and IMPROVED level editor you are now able to tweak to a very fine degree a masterpiece of a level.
I have already spent a couple hours on just one map. Very addicting when you start going at it.

From the artistic to the gut-wrenching complex maps, the custom editor is where MOST of the fun happens.

Or just download some pre-made maps by gamers like myself.

Also, the fact that you can choose your costume without earning is a "+".

Have been playing this game a lot so far and it seems that it will always be there to embrace me when I'm frustrated with these "hi-tech" games.