N+ really hits the spot, and for only 20 bucks. You can't go wrong!

User Rating: 10 | N+ PSP
Looking at N+, a lot of people don't get how much fun it really is. $20 goes a long way with this beauty, especially is you have friends to co-op with.

Tons of levels
Easy to pick up, hard to master.
Level editor
Endless Replay

Can get repetitive
Endless trying on some levels
Another little jumping maze game

Personally, I've loved every game in the N series. They're all great, and this one makes my cute little ninja portable! Co-op on the go is fun, I play it all the time with a few guys at work.

I have spent many hours already, and plan to spend many, many more playing this great game. It gets really challenging, and down right frustrating sometimes, but it's well worth the time. Gold ninja here I come!

The 20 bucks is well worth it, go get it, and enjoy!