8/10 Simple gameplay, simple controls and simple graphics = pure simple fun.
N+ is a game that originally started life as a freeware PC game called N: The way of the Ninja and as an indie game managed to get itself a few awards and gain a bit of recognition. As it was becoming quite a popular game it was only a matter of time before it got it's console versions on Xbox Live Arcade developed by Metanet, who made the original freeware PC version, and following its relative success has been moved over to portable consoles, by Silverbirch studios and Atari where it feels very much at home.
The game is presented in a stylized 2D format which does look very stylish in it's own minimalist style. I feel I should say if I keep going on about style I apologise but this is a very stylish game. The PSP version of this game is possibly the best looking of all the versions of N+ as the graphics are on par with the XBLA version but presented on that lovely 16:9 PSP screen make it a very very nice looking and very stylish little platform game. But asides from that some of the best graphical effects are within the death of the main character. This game has provided some of the best deaths I have ever seen in a video game. Upon dying (which is something you will do ALOT) your body gets bounced around in a 2D ragdoll manner and with some of the more complex levels you can end up bouncing off walls and into bombs and getting blown into tiny little pieces all postmortem in a very nice and stylish way.
+Very Stylish
+Some of the best looking deaths I have ever seen in a Video Game
As with many of these little independent titles there is very little story, this always gives me a problem when coming to this section but seems as the does not seem to be any need for a story the game cannot be marked down for not having a story.
The game is packed full with hundreds of levels and also the ability to create and share your own levels. These features give the game almost unlimited scope, however this score is held back by the system it is on. Whilst it is possible to get online and download literally millions of levels, or as many as your memory stick will allow, as with many games the PSP internet is very very slow and loses its connection quite regularly. If you are willing to overlook this issue, which should be said is more an issue of the system and not the game itself, then you are going to be playing this for many months to come.
+Literally hundreds of levels on disc
+Easy to use level creator lets imagination run wild
+Download other peoples creations and save them to play however many times you want
-Held back by the limitations of the PSP online capabilities
The game with is simplistic approach is mixed with some equally simple controls. Basically all you need to know is that you use the D pad to move and the X button to jump. This works in the game quite well as there is simply no need to over complicate things with millions of different abilities and other needless rubbish, instead its a simple game with simple controls and simple gameplay.
+Simple gameplay fits the simplistic style of overall game
+Good controls
FUN 7/10
This is a really fun game. Strangely it is not fantastically frustrating, although you end up dying many many times and usually in some fairly humorous ways, retrying the level is only a single button press away and its addictive nature makes it a very hard game to put down. That said however, it does get very hard very quickly so unless you have a lot of patience you might not see all the levels the game has to offer.
+Simple style make it simple fun
-Very steep difficulty curve
In this case, simple graphics, simple gameplay and simple controls make this pure and simple fun. This is how gaming should be, fun, innovative and enjoyable without having to put loads of arbitrary rubbish to keep you playing. I really do like this game.
BETTER THAN: PixelJunk Eden (PS3)
WORSE THAN: New Super Mario Bros. (NDS)