A great game very suited to the DS. Gameplay is very fun. It is repetitive at times because some levels are very hard and must be played over and over to beat them, but this is what the N franchise is about. However, most of the time it will only take a few tries to beat a level. If you've never played N before, this is a great place to get started as the gameplay and level design is a tad nicer than other versions. If you're a vet, you can still find some challenge in the latter half of the levels. The physics are slightly different but still fun. The level editor has a ton of new options, such as color changers and lots of new and useful tiles. However, I personally find it too hard to use as there are no gridlines and I have unsteady hands. I often find myself placing a tile in the wrong spot with the stylus, and having to press multiple buttons just to undo it. And even then, sometimes deleting more than I wanted to. Still, you probably won't have these problems. I wish the D-pad was used for the level editor, but other than that, I have few complaints. If you are a fan of N, I would say you should buy it.
Great old-school platformers thrive on their simplicity attached to an amazingly fun gameplay. Such a combination gives birth to addictive packages that have yet to be reproduced by modern games with their massive scopes... Read Full Review
Many people look back fondly on the days of the NES and the like because despite bad graphics and some truly revolting gameplay premises, things were original back then. Not like now, when you can't walk into your local ... Read Full Review