Most addictive game ever.

User Rating: 9 | N+ DS
N+, what can I say? It's fun, addictive, graphically simple yet strangely effective. Theres not much to say thats bad about this game unless you have anger problems. I mean that in the nicest way possible but if you do and play some of the harder levels, the game will have you buying a new ds within a day of playing it. that said the difficulty is suprisingly the thing that makes you keep playing!?

The gameplay isn't exactly fresh as its basically a remake of the 'free' downloadable game called N (where it all started). But even so, the game is so addictive that you'll be constantly going through levels to master the controls and from that you'll have the need to challenge yourself even more.
That brings me on to the greatest thing you can have for a game like this, and that is; level sharing. Through Nintendo's Wifi Connection you can download user created levels and test your might against the hardest yet creative levels known to man.

Although this game is essentially a Flash game put onto a NDS cart, the graphics have been given an update and there's added music to go along with the frustrating and fun levels. That said, the music isn't that great and sounds crappy at best, but the new graphics are welcome although fans of the PC game will prefer to see the classic greyscale colouring scheme of simple 2D shapes. thankfully the game has an option to change to the original Graphics which is welcomed with open arms.

There are a lot of options to choose from in the game such as; the colour of your ninja, a level editor (which rawks!), music (on/off), different graphic schemes, BLOOD!(on/off), which screen you want your map to be etc.
One thing mentioned is the level editor. It's incredibly deep for such a simple game. you can create almost anything you want, and the fact you can use the touch screen is great. although I've had some problems such as items not going exactly where I want, but it just takes a little getting use to.

In conclusion N+ is a superb game, its highly addictive, fun to play, its got a great level editor, and online level sharing makes it even more worth while, not only that; all the options you have, the mass of levels you've got through the 'story' mode and more will keep you playing this game for well over the 5 minutes you said to yourself when you turned your DS on. Although saying that, you've basically got the same stuff in a free downloadable version on the web today, so the question still stands, is it worth buying it if you can download it for free. Simple answer is yes, but it's upto you if you want to buy it and play it anywhere or download it and have that restriction on portability... Unless you have a laptop.

Review by Jamie Pickles aka Diablo_66