One of the best XBLA games out there, even if it is a little bit frustrating.
Appearance - 9/10 - The graphics for this game are very cool. They are modern style and sleek and cool. The background is cool. The ninja is cool. Everything about it is very cool...
Sound - 9/10 - The background music for this game is extremely good. It is a catchy tune that is not annoying at all. The music you can set higher or lower so it wont be a distraction. For me, I can't play without it.
Gameplay - 9.5/10 - N+ is a great platformer. But, it can get very hard and frustrating. With 50 levels (60 if you count the challenge ones), a level creator, and multiplayer, it is just awesome!
Xbox Live - 8.5/10 - The Xbox Live is just like the multiplayer from the actual game. You can do race, survival, and co-op campaign or co-op. They are all great, especially the co-op, so I recommend doing them.
Overall - 9.5/10 - Overall, this game is awesome. Everything about it is very slick and cool. Many people play this game, so Xbox Live wont be a trouble, and so yeah. This game will always be on my favorites list.