Fun yet Frustrating, with an amazing multiplayer.

User Rating: 9 | N+ X360
I was very excited when I saw the N was coming to the 360, and I must say I am not disappointed. The multiplayer is truly great, and is a huge amount of fun when you and two or three others are going through the levels. I was also rather surprised to see that there was a level creator for the 360, which I must say I liked, although I thought it was a bit clumsy. The controls however did irritate me, I felt that you just couldn't control your avatar as well as you could in the PC version of the game, I was also slightly irritated that you have to pay for it, as the PC version is free, it is however worth the money. The game has brilliant style, providing minimalistic graphics whilst creating a very fulfilling and old-school feel. The multiplayer races and survival was a great let down though; the levels for these were relatively insignificant, and lacked style or interest. The difficulty can be cruel at times, varying from very easy to very hard, and does sometimes get frustrating. Overall I think the game has improved from the PC version, and is definitely worth buying, however is much better if you have some friends who want to go through the campaign with you.