very fun,addicting game

User Rating: 9.5 | N+ X360
Like i said above the N game is very fun and a addicting game.There are a lot of levels.Lots of movement controls.Lots of enemies to avoid.You have to go pass by a switch to open the door to the next level.ANd on some levels the switch is on one side of the map and the door the other side.The maps are medium size not huge,but not small.There are little yellow squares that for every one you get you get one second to your time.ohh ya this game is timed.IT has several chapters and you get a spefic time amount for every chapter.I give it a 8.5 out of 10 for this game.Where ten is the greatest and 1 the worst.This game is very addicting hard to quit.Great controls also. A to jump (also right trigger) and left thumb pad to move.The game is easy then it gets harder but not hard enough to quit, just to keep trying.