Pure old-school platforming/puzzle based gameplay charms as the center of this pixelated, simplistic looking game.

User Rating: 8 | N+ X360
Another game that oozes with old-school charm is the recent XBLA release of N+. The game is very simplistic in nature: have your sprite ninja turn on the switch to open the door that leads you to the next level. Of course, it's not nearly that easy: Mines, electric robots, guns and very steep drops prevent you from your objective at every turn, sometimes all at once.

Odds are, there are a few of you who have played this game already. The original N was a flash game that garnered a lot of attention from the homebrew/freegames crowd with its sense of humor, excellent use of sprites and it's insane difficulty in some areas. So, how do you turn a free game into a credible download on XBLA?

First, you put more stuff into it. From what I've played so far, there are roughly 250 puzzles total, broken up in 15 episodes. There is also a map editor that allows console players to make simple maps, as well a multiplayer co-op feature that allows two players to tackle a map.

The physics in this game are very well done. Everything the "Ninja" touches feels natural and its right place. Everything you do has a believable and tangible feel to it.

However, some of the toughest puzzles seem not to be because of the difficulty, but of the sensitivity and hit detection of some of the items. N+'s big problem seems to be that if you are a pixel away from a mine or a rocket, you will get hit despite how well you time your evasive strike.

This may not seem like a big problem at first, but if you take into consideration that the physics and hit detection are what make the game what it is, the game can be entirely frustrating because it can be unfair.

Fans of the Flash game have already downloaded this game and are currently enjoying it. Puzzle game and Prince of Persia fans will probably enjoy it too. Download the demo to see where you land.