This game is just flat out fun. I'm a big fan of the first Final Fantasy Tactics and the game plays like it with a dash of Valkyeri Profile and a hint of Fire Emblem. Though some of the characters may not be familiar to some (Bravoman, Mike Haggar, and Wonder Momo to name a few) there are still familiar faces who show up in the game (Jin Kazama, Ryu, Taki) all of which play very well in there own right. As far as the action goes, fight sequences are played to where you use the circle button and the direction pad to do a set of 5 moves to keep the target in the air for however many branches the character has. If timed right, you can get a critical hit if you strike your enemy just before they hit the ground. There's more to this game than this but you're just gonna have to play it in order to find out. Enjoy!!
Namco X Capcom was a game only released in Japan. I was hoping it would come out in the U.S. but it did not so I had to import it instead. While you can easily play this game without knowing what everything means if yo... Read Full Review
To me this looks to be a very good game from the pics and clips i've seen. But once again some people think otherwise. You know RPG games been getting put down way too much lately. what wrong with people don't like read... Read Full Review