Awesome but not even close to Perfect!!!
First, the game is a little repetitite but u get so many characters from the Namco and Capcom universe thatat u barely notice. The characters roster is the best in the history of vidoe games. Heres a few : Jin, Heichaici, Kos-Mos, Ryu and Ken, Taki, Morrigan, Chun-Li, and Mega Man (Rock Man).They r all hand drawn so everyone looks awesome! The music is even better. All of it comes form the videogames that they came from!
For example, when it's Jin's turn to move, the music becomes
the Tekken Tag intro music!
I dont know Japanese ,but this game is pretty easy to learn. If u watch enough game play movies, u see that u press O or D-pad direction and O to do an attack.
The main bad thing about this game is
that u can't
CHARGE UP Megaman's Blaster!!
Why did they forget that!!