This game got hit bad with awful reviews. If you know me, I never give a game a chance if the acclaimed "critics" don't give a game a good score. If you look at all the combined reviews for this game, you will see that this game may have been considered one of the worst games made this year. And for some reason I felt I had to take this bullet, and see what was so awful about this game. So I got the game, and played it. And to my surprise, I found myself have a lot of fun with Nanobreaker. This game is much better than others claim it is. The gameplay resembles that of a Dynasty Warriors title. And that is where you have a bunch of enemies on screen and you hack'n slash your way to victory. The gameplay in Nanobreaker is similar, but you can do this customize your combination attacks thing. Which is neet, some of the attacks you will need to use to defeat some of the minion enemies, while other moves can pull you out of a tight spot if you're in trouble. The graphics are okay, the main character (with the laughable name, Jake Warren) looks great, his character model is done nicely. The enemies all look okay. The environments though are pretty bland in the graphics department. It's kind of like Shinobi, if you've ever played that on the PS2. The audio is probably where the game hurts most. While the music sounds good (just like it does in the Castlevania games) it most of the time does not belong with whats going on, on-screen. The VO is questionable, it's decent at best, don't expect anything like the Lord of the Rings videogames. And the dialogue is sometimes stupid. This game, upon beating it, has a new difficulty you can play through. There are a couple of characters you can play as after beat the game a couple times. You probably wont be spending a lot of time with Nanobreaker though. Overall, it is a good game. It's not the next Devil May Cry or anything like that. But it is somewhat fun. And if you can find it brand new for only 10 dollars like I did, pick it up. And for only 10 dollars, I will say it was well worth it. Um, on second thought, maybe only rent it. THE PLATFORMING IN THIS GAME IS SO GOD AWFULLY (no that is not a word) TERRIBLE, YOU WILL WANT TO TWIST YOU CONTROLLER IN HALF, AND CUT YOU EYES OUT WITH THE PIECES!!!
Nanobreaker has this Castlevania feeling,since it was made by the same producer,expect to see dark environments and find similarities within the controls of this game and Castlevania Lament of Innocence. First of all,th... Read Full Review
i went to the ps2 bargan bin since i dont know any of other games i should go after on the ps2 and happend to buy this game, used, for 7.99, i dident expect nothing to much but after i played it a bit i did prety much en... Read Full Review