Let's cut the foreplay and get down to dirty business. THIS GAME LETS YOU BE A DINOSAUR WITH A JETPACK AND A GUN FOR AN ARM. I know i don't have to say any more, but I will for your sake. You are an operative from the Nanocorp. Group in the year 2831, sent back to rescue Christ from the clutches of evil Roman dinosaurs who plan to kill him in three days. Time is not on your side as you race against the clock to stop the Romans and clear Jesus' good name forever! pitfalls and traps abound as you use your gun and various powerups to spread Christianity to Rome, one bullet at a time. Along the way, you'll take down evil bosses such as Pontius Pilateosarus, Judas Erectopus, and even Satan himself, form of: Velociraptor. all on wild ride to save the messiah from the throes of evil. It's kind of like assassin's creed 2, but with more guns and less sneaking. Oh and with dinosaurs instead of people. The graphics are still stunning, even today, which is a major feat considering this game takes place 2000 years ago. The weapons feel big an powerful, and you'll be glad you have them as you betray Rome with a kiss...of death! play this game, end of discussion.