Review: Nanostray
The Nintendo DS has been lacking something but I can not for the life of me think of what it could be. We got racing games, platforming games, puzzle games, even an RPG. So what type of game am I am missing, oh I know a side scrolling shooter game.
Shoot your way through the unfriendly skies. Can you defeat your enemies, or can you survive?
The Look is what we have come to expect from a side scrolling shooter on the current generation home systems, that is right Nanostray looks as good as the current generation contemporaries, R-Type Zero, Castle Shikigami 2, Ikaruga, well you get the idea.
The Music is good. CD quality Techno music is what you will find in Nanostray. Explosions are good and are varied. Though if you don't like techno you will want to turn the music off or turn the sound down.
Game Play:
Nanostray plays like you would expect to play a Side Scrolling shooter to play, controls are as tight, shooting is precise, and action is as frantic as fans of the genre have come to expect. If there is a gripe it is that you must us the Nintendo DS touch screen to change your weapons. While this is a good idea it ultimately detracts from the game play because in the fraction of a second it takes to change weapons you will all too often find that you ship will have bitten the big one before you could switch your weapons
Each level is different, lush and engrossing, with a good variety of enemies. There are 7 levels of frantic game play offered in Nanostray. I personally love side scrolling shooting games, however I really don't like who they re usually under 10 levels in each game I have ever played. I just want more levels, 20 to 30 levels at the least. Or at least offer something else a little new than similar game play in a similar short game style that almost all of us know and love.
Lovers of the genre of game will go gaga for this game, the rest of us my want to rent it before buying, that is if you can find a copy. Still it is defiantly worth a look for DS owners.
Good Graphics
Good music
Frantic game play
Easy to use menus
I wish accessing different weapons were easier
More levels please