NARC is an obviously unfinished game with clunky controls and generally confusing gameplay.

User Rating: 2.7 | NARC PS2
I had high expectations for this game. And those expectations were far from being met. Seriously, I can't begin to describe just how much this game sucks. The controls are akward and take at least an hour to get used to, the game itself seems to be a blatant rip off of State of Emergency, style wise, two good songs just keep repeating through out the game making it a displeasure to listen to, and the gameplay isn't anything new. This game sucks big time, even with its budget price tag. Graphic wise, NARC looks horrible. The levels are lighted nicely, and they are detailed decently, but they're small and there's really nothing to them. However, the biggest problem with the graphics is that the cutscenes are EXTREMELY ugly. Seriously, the gameplay graphics look better than the cutscenes. The cutscenes remind me of old PS1 cutscenes, you know, the cheesy ones. The main problem with the environments is that they're pretty small. They could have gotten more level space done, or atleast have made the levels look nicer. The graphics in NARC are probably the second, or best thing about it. But trust me, that's not saying much at all. If you've ever played State of Emergency than you'll notice the many striking simularities between NARC and SoE. There are usually a lot of people on screen, like SoE, the people are cartoonish, like SoE; the whole game just feels like some crappy remade version of SoE without a good story line. That helps bring down the score of this game substantially. If NARC isn't a SoE rip off, than I don't know what is. Seriously, I like Midway, but there was NO reason that they had to rip SoE off like they did. That's pathetic. The sound in NARC is crap, as with the rest of the game. There is a good funk song they play, but they play that song and some rap song (they both totally contrast eachother) over and over again. Just those two songs. The same applies for Asia, but instead it's two extremely crappy songs that they play for about ten seconds each. It gets sooooooo annoying. With that aside though, the music in the game is actually good. They play several good songs, including an absolutely great weird, but great song when you use marijuana. The gun noises and special effect noise in NARC are also good. However, what really hurts NARC in the sound department is the voice acting. The voice acting in this game just absolutely sucks. Michael Madsen is a good voice actor, and he does a good job in this game, but Midway makes him say some really stupid things. Even though the music is great in NARC, it's not enough to save it. The gameplay in NARC gets real boring, real fast. At first, it's kind of cool, but when you think about it, the whole arresting thing in NARC has been done before. It reminds me a little too much of True Crime: Streets of LA. So far, NARC has copied its style from State of Emergency, and its gameplay from True Crime. Wow, way to go NARC, I'm impressed. The controls in NARC are confusing and clunky and will take you a long time to get used to, as I stated before. The game also doesn't explain things such as the controls and mission objectives very cleary, so this will have you playing easy missions many times and screwing up constantly. On top of all this, the game often glitches, both small, and big. For me, the game didn't start glitching until I got about half way through the Chinese missions. First, it started out as small, but noticable glitches, such as people missing from the cutscenes yet they talk. From there it would go on to freezing, and just glitching up so bad that I had to turn it off. One such example was when I played the "Boss Island" level in Asia. Marcus kept reloading his gun. He would not stopped, and he wouldn't die either, so I had to turn NARC off, and do that whole mission again which really got me mad. The AI in NARC is very bad also. They'll often stand close by and not see you, or shoot at you. In the game there are a few "stealth" missions. These missions are by far the worst stealth missions to be in ANY game. People talked about Black Monday as having bad stealth, wait until they paly NARC. There are lots of stupid "stealth" missions in NARC that make you go, "WTF?" Such as, nine times out of ten you can WELL within the AI's line of view (I'm talking five feet and in front of them) and they won't see you. The onther times though they'll see you and be able to shoot you from seemingly no where. The "stealth" in NARC is really a joke, along with the whole game. I can't see any reason why Midway decided to rely so heavily upon "stealth" when they did it so horribly. Keep in mind that on top of this, rather big things such as docks and cars aren't solid from time to time. The ONLY good and unique thing about NARC is the drug use in it. The drug use in NARC is done great, it really is. As much as I hate this game, I will give it credit on making the drug use as good as they did. There are many different drugs which give you different side effects. I'm not going to get into great detail here, but my favorite of the drugs is speed. While high on speed, you run FAST. Like the Flash fast. This is great when you're in a tough spot or being chased by the cops. On top of this, the drugs will usually have their own weird and creepy background noises and sometimes even background music. You can also be an honest pig and take the drugs to the station, or sell them back into the streets. Selling is somewhat hard and risky, and one should only do it when they're really in the need for some money. Other than the drug use, NARC's gameplay is pretty flat and seems to have copied True Crime, with the arresting and the law meter like thing. In the end, there are many problems with NARC. It's really hard to decide which one really kills it, because in honesty, all of these HUGE problems SLAUGHTER this game. Midway must have been asleep while the made this game, because it is the shortest game I have ever played. Seriously, it really is. I literally beat this game in a day without cheating. Yes, I beat NARC without cheats in 24 hours. It is the easiest, shortest, most glitchful, and worse game I have EVER played. I cannot emphasis just how bad this game is. Perhaps if I played this game in very hard mode it would've been a challenge... oh wait! That's right! This game doesn't let you pick your difficulty. On top of the game being short and easy, it has a horrible story line that doesn't make any sense. Most of the cutscenes deal with Jack's addiction to crack and show him holding a gun and laughing. It makes no sense. You seriously might as well skip the ugly cutscenes. last but not least, this game is very cheesey. The name of the game, NARC, stands for Narcotics Assessment Reconnaissance Containment (not sure about the A). NARC is a clear rip off of True Crime and State of Emergency. Buying this piece of crap just tells Midway that you want them to make more game rip offs, and bad ones at that. NARC isn't worth a buy, a rental, or a give away. This is seriously the worst game, for a console or otherwise, that I've ever played so far. Do not waste your time on this game, even considering its cheap twenty dollar price tag. If you really must play this game despite my warnings, then rent it, but like I said, unless you MUST play NARC, STAY AWAY FROM THIS HORRIBLE GAME. It is short, easy, uninspired, glitchy, confusing, and ugly.