Friken awsume!!!

User Rating: 9 | Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 2 GC
This game rocks! It has 23 characters, including, mizuki, nine tailed naruto, sharingan kakashi, and kiba!! there is many other exclusive new characters, to the clash of ninja searious!! this game has pretty good graphics, A pretty long story, you can also buy more story battles! This game also has like 14 modes, in cluding, 3 on 3 tag team, 2 on 2, 4 player free for all, 1 on 3, and many other exclusive modes, Go through the world of naruto winning battles and collecting money to buy Awsume I tems characters and more! There is also many new techniqes, and fierce combos!So if your looking, for a naruto action game, I highly recommend this game, its a win win! :).