tomy improved clash of ninja quite a bit, fighting gamers should rent it first

User Rating: 8 | Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 2 GC
Clash of Ninja 2 has more things to do in it, there are WAY more characters than the las game.
i enjoyed the storymode because they edited it, orboro mode was good, nice way to make money. my tip is to use zabuza in it...anyway they alterd the characters just a little bit, some of the characters from chuunin jusr gonna not get your hopes up and ell you some people that arnt in it.

temari,shino,that one guy,the hokage,

they put in sharingan sasuke but only way to get him is to unlock all characters and modes. theres your tip.

i would recomoend the fighting gamers to rent this first.