Not What I Had Expected....

User Rating: 8.3 | Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 2 GC
Everyone says that the gamecube cannot produce a good, "Gamecube Only", title, but here's proving them wrong. This game has everything. Team battles, 4 player battles, everything With 23 characters the game is made to last long after it is beaten. The upside is the stages, characters and their moves. The biggest downfall is the way to unlock the characters. You have to purchase the characters from Anko's shop for a ridiculously high price. At first this does not pose a problem but after you beat the 20 chapters of story mode money does not come easy. Bt still the high price charcters are the best so i guess it evens out. Naruto fans should already have this game if they own a gamecube if not...GET ONE!