Alright, so how did Naruto Clash of Ninja 3 go? Well, it went pretty well...
Story Mode ( Mission Mode in the game) - 7.5 - Mission mode was only fun for the first few battles, you could probally beat it in 2 or 3 hours. But it was likeable. It had very nice voice acting all throught. It was easy but on the hardest difficulty( Jonin ) it's pretty hard. All in all, it was good.
Single Player ( V.S. CPU, Time Attack, etc.) - 8.0 - Now single player is much more different from Mission Mode/Story Mode. V.S. CPU is pretty fun. You fight battles ( 2 player only ) against CPU opponents. There are usually 10 to 12 battles. The battles get harder as they go. I didn't play much Time Attack, but basically you just try to see how fast you can beat a bunch of characters.
Multiplayer - 8.3 - 1 to 4 players is pretty fun, although there is no online, it is pretty fun. There are 20 characters in all and I think 6 or 5 or 7 stages. It's pretty fun, but it gets kind of boring after a while.
Sound - 8.2 - Finally!!! Cool sound actually coming from the Wii Mote. This game by far has the best sound effects to ever come from the Wii Mote!!
The music was great too.
Gameplay / Controls - 7.7 - Controls are okay. Gameplay is basically the exact same thing as the last games.
Overall - 8.0 - Overall this game was fun and totally worth playing.