Not exactly the Ultimate Ninja Trilogy, but oh well!

User Rating: 8 | Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution WII
You may remember I reviewed the original Naruto Ultimate Ninja for the PS2 some time ago, which turned out to be a surprisingly well-done Smash Bros clone with fantastic cinematic special moves thrown in! Mind you, I haven't played a Naruto game in ages. I think one reason was that the death of my PS2 meant that I couldn't play Ultimate Ninja 3, the best-looking game in the series so far, but another reason could be that the last Naruto game I played, Uzumaki Chronicles was absolute tat. Good news, Clash of Ninja Revolution is by no means tat! It's a 2D fighter on a changing 3D plane in the same vein as Tekken, the original Soul Calibur, or to be more accurate, the DragonBall Z Budokai games. This is basically the same as Budokai except with easier controls, you can't fly (Not that that matters!), and there's none of that cheap gameplay-lengthening slog involving having to grind up enough money to unlock the special moves. Just you, up to three opponents and pure ninja goodness on your side! The whole thing just feels smooth and well-done, with the only major flaws (the rather short length, the rubbish rasengan minigame, and evidence of duplicated game modes) only serving as a minor deterrence from the 9.0 region. If you love Naruto, definitely pick this one up, but make sure you dust off your cube controller or classic controller, because the wii controls aren't worth it. If you're new to Naruto, I'd suggest getting any of the Ultimate Ninja games instead.