one day i went to my friends house and he said his older brother bought a new game for his gamecube. it turned out to be naruto the newest version. i say to myself how did he get that game when we live in canada and you can only buy that version in japan. it turns out his brother bought it from this guy he know who got it from somewhere else. but this game is really fun. its intense. it has like all the characters from all the episodes. also the moves availible are awasome. there such a big variety of moves, youll sorta get confused. hahahaha. but this realy is a sweet game. and if you really want it go and look on ebay or something for it.
Other Helpful Reviews for Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 4
I am a player who plays Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 4 at circuit level. I started with Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 2 in June of 2004, where I went to Ikasucon 2004 and achieved 3rd place in my first tournament ever. ... Read Full Review
I finally got my hands on GNT4, after played and unlocked all secrets from GNT 2 and 3, and here goes what i think of this new release after 46 hours of gameplay (oh, and excuse my english, i am spanish so you might find... Read Full Review