Not what it could have been...
The story is pretty basic, Naruto and Sasuke have been entered in a survival test, with no cut scenes and no real thing to keep the game going, simply to get through a test, theres not much to think about.
You also collect scrolls which hold techniques wich you can use to get through walls or hurt you opponent. The fighting mechanics are very simple, you have a physical attack button (A), a range attack button (R), and scroll usage. You can do combos by pressing the physical attack button the times, to inflict more damage, the range attacks include Shurikens (throwing stars), Kunais, and Senbon (Needles), you dont have a limit to how many range attacks you have, so you can use them over and over. The Shuriken simply flies in a straight direction doing little damage, the Kunai is like a Shurkin but does more damage, and Senbon fires a needle forward and diagonally upward doing very little damage. To Use your Scroll, you must hold the Range attack button, then release to use it, it would have helped to just switch it to L instead of holding R
One of its flaws is the fact that you can only carry either Shurikens, Kunais, or Senbon one at a time, if you collect a Senbon while you have a Kunai, you can only use Senbon.
Although the game play isnt all to great, the voice samples of the characters are high quality, and the graphics look really nice, but all this is thrown away by the music which sounds like an NES game, not to nice, turning off the sound will save you about an hour of annoying bleeps and blops.
The game is very short, so you should just give it a rent, its pretty passable, but if you like Naruto, I sugest giving it a try.
Yay for my first review : )