It's good if you like Naruto stuff, but I think the second isstill better.
But the downside to both games is that there are a bunch of really frustrating battles. EX: in the first, the final boss, Shukaku, is SO hard and has (I counted when he took damage) around 8000 HP!!!! And then there's the part with Neji.... And in the second, EX: the final boss, The Catfish Spirit Beast, has such an immence plethora of HP it's rediculous and unbelieveable! (It took me more than 7 tries to beat him! And I had a pary of LV 68's!) But enough about the second game.
The last thing I wanted to say is if you enjoy all that Naruto stuff, these are the games for you! And that if you get either game and don't get the battle system, you might as well bathe in butter and cream cheese 'cause you'll be toast! Well, thanks for reading, this has been my first ever game review. :) :)