Ugh...they HAVE to stop trying...

User Rating: 1.5 | Naruto: Path of the Ninja DS
Blagh...this game is just horrible, even a naruto fan shouldn't enjoy this game. It's boring, repetitive to the point I want to take a dump on it, and it's not even all that fun to begin with. I seriously hope that, if I can find my copy, I can sell it off to an idiot fan of the game for more than I paid for it and get something that is decent, like Dragon Ball Z. When I got this, it was "Fun" to a point and I was a fan of the series, I've gotten over it and the series. This game is a near abomination. Get something good, and, if you have it, sell it for as much as you can, because, no matter what you can say about it, it will suck. I hope they stop trying to translate these games and stop production completely. And, quite frankly, the dubs suck, so, why shouldn't the games? Get ninja council or the fighting games on the PS2 and stay away from the RPGs.