this game just plain sucks

User Rating: 2 | Naruto: Path of the Ninja DS
now to you naruto fans out there stop kidding yourselves just becuse it says naruto on it does not mean it is gonna be good. Yes i am a naruto fan too but what im not a fan of is the naruto games and this one is just the worst.
First of all. whats with the graphics it looks like they just took it from some naruto gameboy game (im petty sure they did too) and the fighting well just leave the turn based fighting to final fantasy ok
second. now i know by now that some of u are sick of hearing naruto's voice over and over again and with that godawfull music it was hurting my ears they reapet there anoying grunts and play choppy battle music that sounds like it was taken from the super nintendo.
Third. Ive seen like almost every episode of naruto at least 3 times so that just makes he story boring. what makes dragonball z games for ds better is multiplayer ever hear of it. now how many naruto games for game boy or ds have multiplayer............2. and how many for dragonball z at least 6.

So if your into anime, own a nintendo ds, and are looking for a good game try bleach blade of fate, of dragonball z super sonic warriors 2