I really thought it would be better, needs to be more fleshed out. (This is my first review.)

User Rating: 6.5 | Naruto: Rise of a Ninja X360
Okay to start off, the good.

First of all, I think that Ubisoft really nailed the jutsu hand signs as best as they could. It covers most of the story. The game honestly caught me after sprint mode. At first when I got the game I just thought that Naruto didn't run fast enough. I'm glad that they had the sprint feature after the mist level. And that's about it for the good.

Now, the bad..

Okay.. well, lets think. The glitches really got to me, and the limited time to walk on water? Bleh.. The storyline was relatively short, and the cut scenes could have been a lot better. The voice acting was horrible. And I mean HORRIBLE! That really effected how I played the game. Another thing, the enemies you fought. It was bandit after bandit after bandit after bandit! They were all the same and it really didn't stick to the storyline!

I really thought it could have been better, but due to the laziness in this game, I really didn't like it as much as I expected. It's still a good game, and I would recommend trying it.

Peace out,