A new way to look at Naruto that is fun but can also be extremely frustrating.
User Rating: 8.5 | Naruto: Rise of a Ninja X360
This game holds all the qualities you'd expect from the anime. The exploration of the Leaf Village and surrounding areas make it innovative alone. The controls are easy to master although combat is annoying due to a directional special move system and the make or break addition of a feral form for all charcters. This game isn't long the many story can be beat within a few hours ( about 4-5). For single player acheivments most are met by just playing through the story while few others are based on race, hide and seek, deliever service, tideous tasks, perviness, and popularity. This alone takes alot more time but with patience is easy to obtain. The online mode is frustrating in the fact that you must complete 5 consecutive wins with all 11 charcters which is further impeaded upon by the fact of uneven skill matchups and charcters going feral near no health allowing you to come back or the opponent given an easy victory over you. Lastly the collecter acheivment is one of pointless casue. Why would anyone want to find the 1,000 hidden coins in the game with no way to find them other than sheer luck (although many are easily scene when first starting to play)
Hard to place this game.