Almost Amazing.

User Rating: 8.5 | Naruto: Rise of a Ninja X360
Naruto is an awesome game that should appeal to people outside of the fan base. I can say this because before I played this game I had never even heard of Naruto. The game itself is like cross between an RPG, platformer and fighter. The animation and artistic design in this game are stunning and I can honestly report no slowdown or frame rate issues. Fighting was very flashy and I must say that I was impressed.

As I said before this game is almost amazing. One thing I didn't like, was the side quests repetitive nature. Too often I would be sent out to go through the same level I had done ten times before. Side quests fall in one of two categories, fetch quests and races. There all pretty much the same. Another issue was the camera. During the races often I would find myself struggling to get a bearing on where I was because the camera could get pretty sketchy.

All and all this is a must play game but unless your a big fan settle for a rental.