Great adventure mode but online is simply ridiculous.
Story Mode- I know the naruto storyline so i pretty much skipped every movie scene. The story mode has missions that may confuse players who have never watched naruto. The players can pretty much guess that there were no thieves in the actual anime, even though I believe the creators added these missions to show that in the t.v. show that naruto and the other ninja's had to do pointless missions. Overall, the story was pretty good and the side quests are kind of entertaining.
I think the forest of death is way too difficult. I've beat people in player matches and when it comes to the forest of death i am just owned or get up to the third match and then fight some cheap***. I am sick of it but I want to complete it. I find the levels to be way too small for a fighting game and the teleporting technique (pressing B after taking damage) can be a bit overused making the battle one sided. I mean it will eventually be that whoever is able to teleport last wins.
Rage Mode (online)
Same thing, it just goes to whoever has the most health will pretty much win. I mean sure there are rare instances where my generalization will back fire but most the time no. When a player uses it before another, obviously the person who used it last will have the advantage. I mean this game has good ideas but really the small levels kill the game and all the noob attacks.
I had a person be gaara and all he did was chuck sand at me. If he is such a bad*** throw a punch. There are a lot of aggravating people in the forest of death, which in my opinion completely ruin the online gameplay. That is why i still find interest in doing all the side quests.
I say purchase this game if you like to play fighting games, be pissed off, and want a break from shooters. Because it is a good game but the next one better be fixed and maybe have a ranking system that actually has players verse each other with similar rankings, not making it a pro verse a beginner. I hope DBZ burst limit is not like this. I know the levels are bigger due to the demos but people are wuss' online. So maybe this ranking system I mentioned should be applied to other games like GOW2 and COD4.
Anyway, I hope you found this review helpful. Peace.