I played this game for about 30 mins before I turned it off it dissapointment, I payed $70 for this game and it's terrible, whats wrong with a simple Naruto fighting game, people would enjoy it more, instead of repetetively killing frogs, wolves and bears, not to mention versing Gamakichi as the first boss and him destroying you because you health depletes quicker than my intrest for this game, I'm a Naruto fan and I love Naruto games, this however is crap, it's boring, recycled, plain, bland and just utterly bad, I can't believe I traded Street Fighter and Nindogs+Cats for this garbage, don't bother with this game because it's just not worth it.
The only posetives are the 3D effects because thats the only thing thay managed to get right, I don't get why the 3DS gets this crap when the PSP gets Ultimate Ninja IMPACT when THAT looks so much better, I had my doubts about this game when I first saw the screens, however I decided to give it a chance, and I regret it.
Other Helpful Reviews for Naruto Shippuden: Shinobi Rittai Emaki! Saikyou Ninkai Kessen!!
Most naruto games in the past has focused on the anime with each game doing it over and over again, Naruto shippuden new era actuly follows its own sstory that puts you in narutos sandels and travel the ninja world takin... Read Full Review